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Ready to boost your website? As a Showit website designer and digital marketeer, I'm here to spill all the secrets. Read the blog!
Dreams offer us a vision, a destination, something to strive for. But here’s the real kicker: have you ever thought about why you want to chase these dreams? What’s the driving force behind them?
The size of your “why” is what really matters. Is it substantial enough to set your heart ablaze? How would you feel if you were brimming with that fiery passion? Imagine closing your eyes right now and envisioning it. How would you breathe? How would you stand or sit? What would your gaze reveal, and how would your body move when you’re on fire?
For every emotion we experience, our bodies naturally adopt specific postures and movements. When you’re angry, your muscles might tense, your eyebrows furrow, and your eyes squint. Your brain recognizes this as anger and produces thoughts to keep that emotion alive.
Although you may not always control your thoughts, you have the power to manage your emotions.
You can learn to orchestrate your emotions and awaken that burning passion within you, fueling your daily quest to make your dreams come true.
But how, you ask? Let’s start with your dream. Take a moment to jot it down. Free your mind from external noise. Put your parents’ voices on mute, set your friends’ opinions aside, and drown out your loved one’s judgments. Remember, no one but you can snatch your dreams away. Keep that in mind.
Now, let’s dive deep. Once you’ve defined your dream, recognize the emotions it stirs within you. Picture yourself achieving that dream; what feelings would you experience? Love? Strength? Influence? Prosperity? Freedom? Let it all flow. These are your emotions, and they are uniquely yours.
Done? Great! Now, let’s concoct the recipe that matches your dream. We’re going to manage your emotional state to make your body align with the dream you have envisioned. Follow me?
What does your dream make you feel? Let’s say it’s a surge of strength. How does that look in your body? You’ve crafted a recipe over the years for your powerful posture. Write it all down: how you stand, your gaze, your mouth, your breath, your hands, your legs, and even your toes. This is your personalized recipe for feeling that strength.
You’ve conditioned your body to adopt these movements when experiencing that emotion. So, to feel strong, apply your personalized “strength recipe” – just like following a cooking recipe for a perfect quiche. There’s no doubt about it; if you follow the recipe, you’ll know exactly how it’ll turn out.
Emotions work the same way. Now that you have your personal dream recipe, you can start feeling and moving toward the outcome of your dreams. The sooner you master your emotions, the closer you are to achieving your dreams.
Never stop dreaming, my friend! I can’t wait to hear about your dreams and experiences. Share them with me on Instagram by tagging @caroliene_alexandra, so we can spread joy together!
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Ready to boost your business? As a Showit website designer and marketeer, I'm here to spill the secrets. Read the blog!
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